Apr 26, 2014

47景 大切な人たち View47 Precious Friends

M from USA and S from Tanzania.  It was an honor traveling with you.  Thank you so much!

46景 お金も使い果たして View46 Time to go Home


I ran out of money, only 12 cents left.  It's time to go home.

45景 光る海 View45 Water, Shining

44景 ペリカン View44 Pelican

43景 エスプラネード通り 朝 View43 The Esplanade in the Morning

42景 ケアンズ 早朝 View42 Cairns, Early Morning

41景 ケアンズのこうもり View41 Bats in Cairns


Many big bats were flying in Cairns.

40景 スカイレールから見下ろす熱帯雨林 View40 Overlooking the Rain Forest from the Skyrail


The cableway is  so high.  And it is quite long, too.

39景 クランダ の木 View39 A Tree in Kuranda


It's sooo big and different!

38景 バロンフォール滝 View38 Barron Fall

37景 クランダ 鉄道 View37 Kuranda Scenic Railway


This long historic train runs through the rain forest.

Apr 24, 2014

36景 シュノーケリング View36 Snorkeling


The water is deep, but it is quite well organized and safe.

35景 グレイトバリアリーフの海 View35 Great Barrier Reef, the Ocean


The ocean looks beautiful when the sun comes out.

34景 グレイトバリアリーフの魚たち View34 Outer Barrier Reef Cruise


We enjoyed snorkeling, watching fish, big and small, colorful and not colorful.

33景 ケアンズの木 View33 A big tree in Cairns


I don't know the name of this tree.  But I saw a lot of them in Cairns.

Apr 21, 2014

32景 ケアンズは 曇り View 32 Cairns, Cloudy


When we arrived at Cairns, it was cloudy.  And it started raining later.

31景 ローマストリートパークランド2 View31 Roma St.Parkland 2


I don't know what these  trees are.  The fruits were all over the place.

Apr 19, 2014

30景 時計塔ツアー View30 The Clock Tour


This is the face of the clock seen from inside the tower.

29景 ブリスベンシティホール View29 Brisbane City Hall


This building was built in 1920s.  You can take a clock tour up to the top.

Apr 18, 2014

28景 サウスバンクパークランドとブリスベン川 View28 Brisbane River Looking from the South Bank

27景 サウスバンクパークランド View27 South Bank Parkland


26景 公園でみつけた生き物 View26 A Wild Animal in the Park


I found a big lizard, maybe 50 cm long, in the park.  And he could run quite fast!

25景 ブリスベン ローマストリートパークランド View25 Roma St. Parkland in Brisbane


The park has the tropical feel.

24景 夕焼けに染まるカタジュタ View24 Kata Tjuta at the Sunset


It was sooo red and beautiful!

23景 カタジュタで日没を待つ View23 Waiting for the Sunset at Kata Tjuta


We waited for the sunset sipping champaine.

22景 カタジュタを歩く View22 Kata Tjuta Walk


I could hear the wind while walking the Valley of the wind.

Apr 14, 2014

14景 マンリービーチ View13 Manly Ocean Beach


The sand was so fine and beautiful, and water felt pretty warm.

15景 マンリーでのランチ View 15 Lunch at Manly


They served it pretty.  And I enjoyed the scallops very much! 

13景 巨大なクルーズ船 View13 Magnificent Cruise Ship


Different cruise ships were at the Circular Quay almost every day.  I wish I can travel on one of them some day.

Apr 13, 2014

12景 シドニーコーブより View12 From the Sydney Cove

11景 月とオペラハウス View11 The Moon and The Opera House


This is the view from a cruise boat.  Isn't it beautiful?

10景 ブルーマウンテン View10 Blue Mountain


Blue Mountain actually looked blue.

9景 タウンホール View 9 Town Hall

9景 中国庭園 View 9 Chinese Garden of Friendship


8景 チャイナタウン View 8 China Town

Apr 12, 2014

7景 ロックス マーケット View 7 The Rocks Market


It was Saturday, so they had the Rocks Market.  Very fun!  They even had Okonomiyaki!

6景 ハーバーブリッジのブリッジクライム View 6 Bridge Climb


Can you see people climbing up the bridge?

4景 シドニーハーバーブリッジ View 4 Sydney Harbour Bridge


This is a view from Opera House. I could see people walking on the top ridge of the bridge.

5景 パイロンルックアウトから見たオペラハウス View 5 Opera House seen from Pylon Lookout


It's a drizzly weather today. But I climbed up 200 steps to see this. It was very windy.

3景 ロイヤルボタニックガーデンにて View 3 Sculpture in the Royal Botanic Garden


I  just  love that  view.

Apr 11, 2014

2景 フィグツリーの巨木 View 2 Enormous Fig Tree

あんまり大きくて びっくり!
I had never seen such tree!

1景 ロイヤルボタニックガーデン View1 Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney


I am now visiting Australia.
I am going to make my  A hundred views of Australia.