Apr 26, 2014
47景 大切な人たち View47 Precious Friends
46景 お金も使い果たして View46 Time to go Home
I ran out of money, only 12 cents left. It's time to go home.
Apr 24, 2014
34景 グレイトバリアリーフの魚たち View34 Outer Barrier Reef Cruise
We enjoyed snorkeling, watching fish, big and small, colorful and not colorful.
33景 ケアンズの木 View33 A big tree in Cairns
I don't know the name of this tree. But I saw a lot of them in Cairns.
Apr 19, 2014
29景 ブリスベンシティホール View29 Brisbane City Hall
This building was built in 1920s. You can take a clock tour up to the top.
Apr 18, 2014
26景 公園でみつけた生き物 View26 A Wild Animal in the Park
I found a big lizard, maybe 50 cm long, in the park. And he could run quite fast!
Apr 17, 2014
Apr 16, 2014
Apr 15, 2014
Apr 14, 2014
13景 巨大なクルーズ船 View13 Magnificent Cruise Ship
Different cruise ships were at the Circular Quay almost every day. I wish I can travel on one of them some day.
Apr 13, 2014
Apr 12, 2014
7景 ロックス マーケット View 7 The Rocks Market
It was Saturday, so they had the Rocks Market. Very fun! They even had Okonomiyaki!
4景 シドニーハーバーブリッジ View 4 Sydney Harbour Bridge
This is a view from Opera House. I could see people walking on the top ridge of the bridge.
5景 パイロンルックアウトから見たオペラハウス View 5 Opera House seen from Pylon Lookout
It's a drizzly weather today. But I climbed up 200 steps to see this. It was very windy.
Apr 11, 2014
1景 ロイヤルボタニックガーデン View1 Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney
I am now visiting Australia.
I am going to make my A hundred views of Australia.