This is the first picture categorized in the "Autumn View."
These days, Tanabata festival is a summer event. It is celebrated on various days between July and August depending on the regions.
But the Edo people celebrated it in the middle of August and considered it the beginning of autumn. They loved to get a head start!
On Tanabata, the Edo people decorated a bamboo tree and set it up as high as they could, just like in this Hiroshige's picture.
It is said this is a view from his balcony, and the nearest bamboo is his. I see sake cup and gourd decorations. His wish was a lot of sake?
Look at all those bamboo trees reaching for the sky! The city of Edo is surely flourishing! Beyond the city, we see Mt. Fuji. On the right, we see the watchtowers of Edo castle, too.
Well, how can I take a picture like Hiroshige's?
Hiroshige used to live near where the Bridgestone Museum is today.
(It's about 5-minute walk from Tokyo Station)
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Bridgestone Corporation 株式会社ブリヂストン |
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They have a museum. ブリヂストン美術館です。 |
I stood at the entrance and looked toward west.
広重の絵とは全然違います (>_<)
It doesn't look like Hiroshige's picture at all. (>_<)
I want to be somewhere higher and look over the roofs.
Where can I do that?
12階のレストラン街に行ってみると、西を望む大きな窓がありましたよ。 (^_^)v
I decided to go and see a department store Daimaru Tokyo right outside Tokyo Station.
I went up to the 12th floor and was very pleased.
They have a nice window looking west. (^_^)v
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Tokyo Station and Marunouchi area 東京駅と丸の内 |
Wow! Look at all these platform roofs.
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Roofs♪ 屋根ですよ♪ |
Straight ahead, I could see the Sakashita-mon gate of the Imperial palace.
I could also see beautiful domes of the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building, which is now undergoing a massive renovation.
Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building was built in 1914. It was a massive 3-story building with two domes in the north and south. It had an entrance and waiting rooms exclusively used by the imperial family. This building survived the Great Kanto Earthquake intact, but was badly damaged by the U.S. air raids in the WWⅡ and lost the domes. Since 2007, they have been restoring the building to its original design, and at the same time, making it a seismic isolated structure. After five and a half years of efforts, it will be completed this coming October!
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When completed, it will look like this. 壁に貼った完成図。 |
It looks completed from the outside. Beautiful!
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A domed ceiling will be revealed in October. この天井が抜けてドーム天井になるんだそうです。 |
It is said more than two million people use Tokyo Station a day. This renovation must have been such a challenge as they had to do it without stopping that flow of people.
I admire their effort.
I will definitely go and see it again in October.
Back to Hiroshige's picture.
I tried to take a picture as close to as Hiroshige's.
But what do you think?
There are no Tanabata decorations, nor Mt. Fuji.
But I think this shows the flourishing Tokyo, well, if the flourishing is not the right word in this difficult time, ganbatteru Tokyo.
At least you can see many roofs! (^_-)
What an interesting picture. I think the Shin-maru building, at least I think it is the Shin-maru can look like the beautiful Tanabata decorations, especially at night when they have long bars that light up. They kind of look like bamboo. ^^
The new station will be great, but they will then switch to the Yaesu side. Another year and it should be completely finished, I hope.
I didn't think of that, but this area surely must look beautiful at night with so many lights on. Do those bars light up at night? Then, it might look like bamboo.(^_^) Someday, I might go there again and take a picture in the evening.
I saw they are working on the Yaesu side.
I hope they will finish it soon.
I read that they will finish the Yaesu side next year, autumn.
As for the buildings, searching my photos and found a couple old photos:
photo 1
photo 2
Not as "bamboo" like as I thought. I was actually thinking of Roppongi, Tokyo Midtown, but still close enough. ^^
The building in your photo looks beautiful with sparkling lights. I agree it's as beautiful as Tanabata decorations! (^_^)v But I couldn't see the photo 2.(・・?)
I watched on TV yesterday that they lighted up the renovated Tokyo Station Building for the first time. It looked beautiful! Not colorful, rather chic and elegant, I thought.
Let me try photo 2 again.
photo 2
Hope that works.
I pass Tokyo Station almost every day, although I rarely take a good look at it. Saw it lit up a bit last night and it looks nice. Need a bit more time to enjoy it though.
Thank you. I could see the photo 2, too.
So, they are green, blue and red! Colorful, aren't they?
You are passing Tokyo Station almost every day? And you saw the light last night? I'm jealous!
I'm also planning to visit Tokyo Station as soon as the Marunouchi side is finished!
I used to work in Yurakucho, and I always walked past Tokyo Station to get to Maruzen Books in the Oazo Centre. Nowadays I seldom go to that area. :(
PS: I think Hiroshige is turning in his grave ...
Hiroshige would surely be surprised if he could see today's Tokyo. (^_^)
You used to be in the Marunouchi area often? I've been to Marubiru several times, but that's about it. They say it's an area for "mature adult." \(^o^)/
When I'm going to Tokyo Station Building again, I hope I can explore the area, too. But probably it will be quite crowded for a while?
Yup, almost every day. I work in Yurakucho (what a surprise to work in the same area Ru worked in. Technically I worked in Ginza before this year when my school moved next to Yurakucho Station). I also work a little in Otemachi and wanted to enjoy Tokyo Station a little today but couldn't. :(
I rarely go to Maruzen. I prefer Kinokinuya in Shinjuku's Takashimaya.
You are working, really, in the heart of Tokyo!
That's why you know the store near Yurakucho Station that has Dogo beer. I have been there once, and bought Bocchan Dango and Matsuyama-age (very tasty bean curd for miso-soup.)
If you are working in those area, it must be hard not to get side-tracked at some izakaya or bars.(^_-)
Yup. That's why I can find it. Although it isn't close to Yurakucho. It is near Shinbashi. Unless there is another shop that sometimes sells Dogo Beer near Yurakucho. I'm suddenly thirsty. ^^
The izakaya and bars are no problem. I finish work at 10pm on weekdays and on weekends I'm too tired to go out. I do go back on my days off from time to time. ^^
Oops! Somehow I mixed up Yurakucho and Shinbashi. It IS near Shinbashi station. Sorry.
七夕には、いろいろな伝説があるようですが、私の子供時代(50年以上前)どこの家でも七夕飾りをしていたように記憶しています。七夕の翌日の朝に川に竹ごと流しにいきました。なぜだか分りませんが? 川下では流れてきた竹をかたずけていたのでしょうね。願い事が、かないますように夢がありました。今、願い事を書きなさい、と言われたら沢山ありすぎて、困りますと言われそう! 欲張りすぎは、いけませんよね?
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