Hiroshige is on a boat at the mouth of Edo Bay, looking south.
On the right is the shogun's villa called Hama Goten (Beach Palace), with a lot of pine trees.
The two wooden objects on the left are the channel markers.
It's hard to see, but to the left, behind those channel markers, are a few gray forms.
Those are Odaiba.
Odaiba... Sounds familiar?
Yes, we do have Odaiba today.
It's this
and this.
フジテレビ本社 Fuji TV Headquarters
It's a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay with big hotels, big shopping malls and a lot more.
Originally, Odaiba meant artificial islands for cannon batteries. In 1853, Commodore Perry in Black Ships came to Japan for the first time and demanded the opening of the country. He was coming back the next year. In order to protect Edo, Tokugawa shogunate started constructing these islands in the Edo Bay. They finished 8 of them. This print of Hiroshige was published in 1856, so those islands were the new sight for the Edo people.
There still remains one island today.
I believe it's the round-looking one by the bridge. The bridge, Rainbow Bridge, connects Odaiba to the central Tokyo.
Back to Hiroshige.
A lot of cute gulls are flying across the water in the print.
They are yurikamome.
Yurikamome... Again, sounds familiar?
Yes, it's the name of the new transit system that takes you to Odaiba.
What makes it new is that it is a totally computerized train with no driver.
Yes, it's the name of the new transit system that takes you to Odaiba.
What makes it new is that it is a totally computerized train with no driver.
Now, what has become of the shogun's villa?
After the Meiji Restoration, it became the detached garden of the Imperial Family. After WWⅡ, the Imperial Family granted it to Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It is now called Hama-rikyu Teien and is open to public.
Let's go to the park.
Let's go to the park.
大手門跡の石垣 the remains of the Otemon Gate
Shioiri-no-ike pond (seawater tidal pond) and Nakajima tea house in the center
This pond takes in seawater from the flood gate.
So, its water level goes up and down with the tide, bringing changes to the garden's atmosphere.
Shoguns and his guests must have enjoyed the scenery from this tea house.
We also enjoyed the view and green tea for 500 yen.
In the park, there are two ponds for wild-duck hunting.
Shogun and his guests enjoyed Taka-gari (Japanese falconry).
鴨場とは池です。鴨がいっぱいいました。 a lot of ducks
I learned how they did Taka-gari.
They keep white domestic ducks in the pond and train them to
lead wild ducks into a narrow ditch. Falconers hide behind the mound and wait. When they see enough ducks in the ditch, they jump out of the mound and get wild ducks.
引き堀と土手です。 narrow ditch and the mound
Ducks were prepared right away.
Shogun and his guests enjoyed the feast.
I enjoyed the contrast between the Edo atmosphere in the park and modern buildings around it.
Now, I have to take a photo like Hiroshige's print.
This time, I had a great plan! There is a boat that goes to Asakusa from the park. I can actually take a photo on the boat like Hiroshige. Feeling very happy, I got on the boat.
But my plan didn't work. I don't want to explain it in detail, but I thought we were heading north to Asakusa, so I sat in the back of the boat, but the boat actually headed south so I was looking at the wrong direction, and ... Anyway, the best I could do was this quick shot.
At least I got the stone wall and pine trees.
So, what should I do about today's photo?
だいたいいい方向を向いているとは思うんですが。左手に遠くレインボーブリッジも見えています。そして、1羽だけですが、カモメも飛んでいます。(小さいです ^_^;)
This was taken right before I got on the boat.
I think I'm looking toward almost the right direction. There is the Rainbow Bridge in the distance. I have even captured "a" gull. (It's small. ^_^;)
I enjoyed the contrast between the Edo atmosphere in the park and modern buildings around it.
Now, I have to take a photo like Hiroshige's print.
This time, I had a great plan! There is a boat that goes to Asakusa from the park. I can actually take a photo on the boat like Hiroshige. Feeling very happy, I got on the boat.
But my plan didn't work. I don't want to explain it in detail, but I thought we were heading north to Asakusa, so I sat in the back of the boat, but the boat actually headed south so I was looking at the wrong direction, and ... Anyway, the best I could do was this quick shot.
At least I got the stone wall and pine trees.
So, what should I do about today's photo?
だいたいいい方向を向いているとは思うんですが。左手に遠くレインボーブリッジも見えています。そして、1羽だけですが、カモメも飛んでいます。(小さいです ^_^;)
This was taken right before I got on the boat.
I think I'm looking toward almost the right direction. There is the Rainbow Bridge in the distance. I have even captured "a" gull. (It's small. ^_^;)
On the boat, I was feeling a little bit miserable. But then, in front of me was this beautiful Rainbow Bridge.
左がお台場です Odaiba (left) and Central Tokyo (right)
I just had to smile. (^_^)v
Minoru さま
Wow! It was quite an epic journey to get these photos! That last one with the gull - yes, I can see it! - is perfect.
Wasn't it freezing cold on the river?
I've been to Odaiba only once. It was during my first trip to Tokyo, and I remember how startled I was when I realized the Yurikamome didn't have a driver! That's when it finally hit me: "Oookay, I'm not in Africa anymore." (@_@)
PS: Minoru-sensei should be declared a 人間国宝! :)
Yes, indeed Minoru-sensei should be a 人間国宝!
Could you see the gull with your eagle eye? Thank you! \(^o^)/
Can you imagine how surprised I was when I found the boat was heading south? That was sort of funny. Well, maybe another time.
wonderful pics! most i like the last one :)
Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I've just enjoyed your wonderful pictures of beautiful things! Wow! (*^_^*)
Danke schoen!
I think that photo you got of the stone wall jutting into the picture frame from the right is really good! After all, as you know from Henry Smith’s note the stone wall has always been straight like that: “The wall of the palace was in fact straight. The artist has adopted the convention of a staggered pattern to vary the composition.”
So now you have visited the place where a certain person was staying when he planted this tree seen at your post here. Did you see the sign? Also here.
Tall Gary,
Yes, I saw the sign. He and his wife stayed in Japan for two months while they were going round-the-world tour! I wish I could travel like that! If I could, I wouldn't mind digging and planting a tree once in a while!
Thank you for a kind comment about the photo. But I think if I ride the boat from Odaiba to Hama Rikyu, I can take a photo more similar to Hiroshige's print. I'll try it if I have another opportunity, but as there are many places I want to visit, it won't happen soon.
I see from Google Maps that you were facing south-east in the photo I like so much, when you wanted to be facing more southish. You would have had to face right when you came to the corner but the water channel there dead ends... Difficult. In the river itself is the concrete barrier that doesn’t look so good but has trees on it.
The picture you chose with the beautiful sky is really nice, and facing in the correct direction.
One interesting thing I learned from my search of the area today is that the contemporary yurikamome (as here) seem to prefer walking through the air rather than flying as in Hiroshige’s day.
Tall Gary,
Yes, Google Maps shows what my problem was exactly. What a wonderful tool! I should use it more often.
Now I feel good about my photo. The sky surely looks beautiful.
I saw many, many yurikamome lined like that at Hinode Sanbashi!
This is as close as I could get with Google Maps to the viewpoint of Hiroshige. But you caught such a beautiful time and the balance of water and sky is close to that in Hiroshige’s print. We can see distinct pine branches in the print and you have those too. From the boat the trees in Hama Rikyu look like overgrown bushes. Not to mention you did catch a real yurikamome. Surely it is close enough, and I love the whites, pearl grays, and the lovely “chrome yellow.” It is a sigh-inducing photo.
I had been to Takeshiba Sanbashi a number of times on the way to the Izu Islands but I never realized how close it is Hama Rikyu, and Hinode Sanbashi. I could see some yurikamome near Hinode Pier here. They sure are cute.
Tall Gary,
Google Maps shows even the view from water? I'm surprised.
It is very close to Hiroshige's viewpoint, isn't it?
But your kind words made me really feel good about the photo. Thank you!
I took a boat from Takeshiba Sanbashi once when I went to Shikinejima island, a long time ago.
If you click on the little yellow man in the top left, hold, and drag him to any blue line and release him, you can get a street view. Dropping him on a tiny square leads to photos .Clicking the X in the very top right brings you back to the map.
I went to Oshima, Kozushima, and Niijima, but never Shikinejima. The first time I went to Oshima (early 1990s) there wasn’t any real terminal like this. We waited for the boat out in the open rain while sitting in an old asphalt lot. I loved the modernizing changes I experienced while in Tokyo.
Tall Gary,
Ah, that's how you do it! Sometimes, I get a street view all of a sudden, and I go like "I haven't done anything!" And I do something vigorously and it goes back to the map.,, you see, I'm so terrible!
Takeshiba Sanbashi has changed a lot. So have Marunouchi, Tokyo Sky Tree area and such.
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