Until recently, I didn't know anything about Hojo-e ceremony.
But one of Hiroshige's work is about this ceremony (it will be my next post), and I learned that it was a common custom among Edo people.
"Hojo" writes "放生" in Japanese and it means "releasing life."
On August 15th, they bought little animals, such as birds, fish, or turtles from vendors and released them.
It was to remember and thank all the animals who gave their life to us.
This custom is long gone, I thought.
But I learned that a temple in Nishi-Waseda, Hosho-ji temple, still holds this ceremony, not on the 15th of August, but on the second Monday in October.
I decided to attend the ceremony.
放生寺 Hosho-ji Temple
徳川将軍家の崇信も厚く、「威盛院 光松山 放生寺」という寺号は1649年三代将軍家光がくださったものだとか。
The temple was established in 1641.
It was worshipped by Tokugawa Shoguns.
In fact, the name Hosho-ji was given by the third Shogun Iemitsu in 1649.
徳川将軍家の崇信も厚く、「威盛院 光松山 放生寺」という寺号は1649年三代将軍家光がくださったものだとか。
The temple was established in 1641.
It was worshipped by Tokugawa Shoguns.
In fact, the name Hosho-ji was given by the third Shogun Iemitsu in 1649.
本殿 the main hall
The ceremony took place in this main hall.
The ceremony took place in this main hall.
During the ceremony they set a fishbowl with two red goldfish on the alter.
Five priests, one in a yellow robe and the others in purple, sat around the alter and read a sutra, with accompanying bells and drums.
During the ceremony they set a fishbowl with two red goldfish on the alter.
Five priests, one in a yellow robe and the others in purple, sat around the alter and read a sutra, with accompanying bells and drums.
And we all read a sutra. (I had never read a sutra that long in my life before.)
Fish in the bowl were wiggling frantically.
I suppose they were surprised at the sound we were making.
Fish in the bowl were wiggling frantically.
I suppose they were surprised at the sound we were making.
池に放す金魚たち goldfish to be released, to the pond (^^)
Each of us got two little goldfish in a cup, and poured it over the bamboo gutter. The fish flowed down into the pond.
They gave us a talisman and one of these goldfish.
お寺の方の手作りだそうです。 hand-made goldfish for us to take home
To tell the truth, I went there out of mere curiosity.
But in the end, I was feeling very good, kind of, cleansed.
I'm very glad I attended this ceremony.
Each of us got two little goldfish in a cup, and poured it over the bamboo gutter. The fish flowed down into the pond.
They gave us a talisman and one of these goldfish.
お寺の方の手作りだそうです。 hand-made goldfish for us to take home
To tell the truth, I went there out of mere curiosity.
But in the end, I was feeling very good, kind of, cleansed.
I'm very glad I attended this ceremony.
I'm keeping the talisman and the goldfish on my refrigerator.
I'm keeping the talisman and the goldfish on my refrigerator.
The goldfish says "Treat animals with respect."❤
The goldfish says "Treat animals with respect."❤
Hallo, Merry Witch! It feels as if I should add お久しぶりですね!
I had my busiest October ever, and when I finally popped in for another visit ... what a lovely post!
I'd love to attend but I could never chant the sutras, so it's better to pretend-attend via your post. :)
ほんとうにお久しぶりです。Is your war finally over? (^^)
You know, this was my first time chanting the sutras. I've attended many Buddhist services before, but I never had to chant. Here, they handed us a book and we read it aloud, me without knowing even a single word I'm reading.
But I really enjoyed it.(^_^)v
It seems some people came just to the let-the-fish-go part. Maybe you can join that?
The battle is over, not the war. :D
So how could you read the sutras? Were they written in hiragana? I've heard they can be written in very old Japanese or even Chinese or Indian scripts.
Maybe next year I'll come lurk behind a tree and observe from a distance. ^^
For a second I thought you put the goldfish IN your fridge. ;)
Sounds like a nice event. I should give it a try, but I don't know if I could even read the sutra. I would need it all in hiragana...
The goldfish does look nice though. Do they let dogs visit and "chant"? :D
Rurousha and Dru,
The sutra has hiragana written alongside the Chinese characters. So, I'm sure you can try. (^^)
But one thing, I did not include in my post, because it was kind of difficult to explain...
There were 30 or so people in the hall, and many of them (not all of them) seemed to belong to this temple. When we were going to the pond after the ceremony, the lady of the temple handed us a bag (red-bean rice and red-and-white manju were in it). I had made no offering yet, and I felt odd receiving it, so I declined. But she gave it anyway. Then, I noticed, we can make offering of 1000 yen at the table with goldfish. I don't know if it was enough. But that's what I did.
They are too modest to tell us what we should do. I thought you should know.
Just releasing the goldfish part is a different story, I suppose.
But if you are interested and can read hiragara, why don't you give it a try ? (^^)
Dru, PLEASE leave your dogs home, though I know they are very smart and can "chant" well.(^_-)
現在、放生会 といった行事があることに驚きました。人間と生き物「鳥、犬 猫 その他」たくさんありますが、共存して時には私たちはそれらに癒されています。生きているものを大切にします。今年の夏、亀戸天神でこれと同じように金魚を池に放っていました。興味深く見ては来ましたが、放生会とは全く別のものです。新しい発見があり、これからも楽しみにしています。
I can try hiragana! OK, I'll remember to take an offering. I wonder what the temple will do if a confused-looking foreign obachan rocks up! ^^
If you can read hiragana, I'm sure it will be a fun experience.
They are so welcoming. They will be happy to have you there. (^^)
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